Saturday, January 15, 2011

Two Weeks

Today I have been running a mile everyday for two weeks.  I'm jogging a little faster, and two days ago I jogged it without stopping... a first for me in my life! 
Ok, so after weighing and measuring today, I have lost another 2 pounds this week, and another inch in my waist. So, total so far is 4 pounds lost and 2  1/2 inches in my waist.  Not to bad.... for the feeling of GREAT everyday after my run.  I don't have any "goals", so it's just fun to see what I can do.
Today I used my ap that I got from Rayna... very nice.  I enjoyed it a lot.  However, after I got home, Josh and I looked and me using a running tool on my phone every morning and listening to music has used over half of my data usage for the month, and I have 21 days until my bill cycle.  Not sure what I'll do without music yet.  


Anonymous said...

if you download music into itues, you can create playlists and listen to those instead. it shouldn't use any data to do that. you can also import your music from any cd's you have, so you don't have to buy any if you have ones you like.

Kendra said...

I know. But I'd have to buy a lot of music to mix it up.. like $20 worth at least. And I don't really own CD's...
We'll see how far I get on my data limit. ; )