Monday, January 31, 2011

To Do List

My list keeps growing... I decided today was the day to tackle as much as I could. 

My List:

Mow the front lawn
Pull weeds
Rack the bark
Clean the van
Clean the garage
Clean the BBQ for Spring
Sweep the drive way
Take the 3T out and get 4T in
Make dinner and clean the kitchen

These are the things that I accomplished today... not to mention that I woke up at 5:45am and ran 1.49 miles.  :)  I was more than tired after dinner.  So, I took a bath and soaked for a LONG time, and Josh took care of the girls.
My picture... all the clothes from just Charlie's side of the closet that I had to move around!


Anonymous said...

WoW! busy day! it's funny how i still see our old clothes. i'll notice abby wearing stuff too. (:

Kendra said...

I think it's fun. I'll be sad when I don't see any of Jessie's stuff anymore. :(