Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tutu Cute

Today I couldn't get Charlie to wear anything but her new tutu.  I told her it was to cold outside and not the right thing to wear to school.  She came up with this outfit as a compromise.  She's a very determined child. All the mom's at school thought that she was so cute.  I like that she picked her boots with her "girly" outfit.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS! Yea for you for letting her wear it. Sherry and I were just talking about what you and I have had many chats about. Letting your kids express themselves with their clothing choices even though they don't always match. Jessica wore green pants with a green shirt. Solid green. She looked like a green bean today.

Kendra said...

I try very hard for the most part to let them wear what they want. I will say that lately this has been an issue for me and Hayden. She tries to wear this same skirt and leggings almost everyday... meaning she'll find it in the dirty hamper and wear it again.
On Friday it's "red" shirt day at school. Morgan LOVES to wear Jessie's red pants and a red shirt, so she's ALL red that day. :)