Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New and New

Today I went to the new Big 5 Sports in Dinuba.  I went looking for running shoes... I don't have any kind of tennis shoe.  I don't do a lot of sport actives, ok, I don't do any, so that would be why I don't have the shoes for them.  Anyway, I went hoping to not spend a fortune, but get a good shoe. 
I saw right away the pair that I liked.  They were on sale for $39.99, original price was $74.99.  It was a little more than I wanted to spend, but I thought I'd try them on.  I asked for two sizes to try on, a 8 and 8 1/2.  The 8's were a little tight, but the 8 1/2's fit.  I looked at the boxes, and I noticed that the size 8 box had a little yellow sticker on it that had the price $29.99.  So, I asked why one pair of shoes was cheaper. The young man that I asked said that it was an accident, and he asked if those were the ones that I wanted.  I told him that I wanted the other size.  He said they have to give the price that is put on them, so he gave me the shoes that I wanted for $29.99.  I was a happy customer.
The other new thing today was my cell phone.  My new iphone I got before Christmas never charged right with the wall charger.  I had to bend it a certain way for it to charge.  So, we took it into the apple store and they gave me a new phone.  Happy, but all my stuff is gone. I have to work on putting all my apps back on, and changing things around.  I lost all my appointments on my calendar, and my alarms that were set.  I know what I'm doing tonight!  :) Ha.


Anonymous said...

I'm suprised they gave you a new phone and not just a new charger? Hrm... you need to open an itunes account on your computer. it's free. then when you plug your phone into your computer it will ask you to sync your phone with your computer. once you've gotten the sync options all set to how you like them it will save your info into your computer. i sync my phone with my pc every couple weeks. that way IF you ever have to get a new phone it will get all your information from the last time you synced and you won't have to redo everything. plus then you can add music to your phone. make playlists... also, you should set up your phone to get your emails. (although, as i'm typing this i realized that i use outlook for my email which also has my calendar on it. so when i put an appointment in my phone it will add it to my pc and vise versa.) if you don't use outlook that may not be a big help. however itunes might also keep your calendar info saved somewhere within it's files??? but you can get email to your iphone without using outlook.

did i mention that yeah, yea, yes, whoooo-ra, cool, and happy. Those are the words that i say to you posting on your blog for me. (and everyone else!) (: once you get into the habit of taking a picture it gets easier. keep it up. january 5th is the perfect day to start this project. just commit! wwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Anonymous said...

oh, and nice deal on the shoes! i can't believe you didn't own a pair of tennis shoes.

Kendra said...

By the way, with my new phone, I can NOT figure out how to get back in to "words with friends". I've tried all my passwords and e-mail address, and nothing. :( I don't know what to do. Sad.
I do know about the sync with itunes thing. But Josh doesn't want itunes, he thinks I'll buy music.

Oh, and I ran with my NEW shoes this morning... and what a difference they made in my run! They're very nice.

Anonymous said...

I would get the itunes though, that way it will save all your data. That's so worth it. Just tell Josh you'll only buy one song a month. It's on 1.07. You should get an allowance, then you can buy whatever you want! (:
Words w/ friends, I'm assuming because none of your information was saved...maybed it deleted your account with words with friends. I'd download the app again and set up your profile again. Then just start a new game with me! (:
Glad the shoes made it nicer to run.