Thursday, January 13, 2011

Crazy Day

Thursdays are my craziest day as a mom... the day of gymnastics and karate, and in two different towns at the same time.  Josh had worship practice last week, and couldn't help me, and he did again this week.  Next week he'll be out of town on a business trip, so I will again have to find help (Cameron).  Here's a shot of all of my girls getting ready for our crazy afternoon. 


Anonymous said...

i think it's great that your brother is helping out. what a great uncle. i want to be that kind of aunt!

Kendra said...

What? You ARE that kind of aunt. :)

Anonymous said...

well... i don't get to do things like that very often. but it's looking more and more like chad and krista will be out here so i'll be getting lots of chances soon i hope. they got a formal approval on the usda rural housing loan, so things are moving along. they are in the process of ordering their adair home.