Friday, January 21, 2011

100th Day

Today Morgan's class had a big party for the 100th day of school.  They needed parents to help out, but I had to take Charlie to "mommy and me" and Josh and my mom were both out of town... not to mention that I was also very sick. 
Morgan made this crown in school... I decided to take her picture today, because she wore it all day.  She didn't take it off until she climbed into bed. 


Anonymous said...

I love that you still do their hair so pretty! The girls 100th day is like the 17th of February.

Kendra said...

It's so easy to do this, and I love that they ask for it. I put curlers in after their bath at night, so in the morning we just take them out and then they're ready to go. :)

Anonymous said...

hard or soft curlers? are they comfy to sleep in?

Kendra said...

Soft. They don't seem to mind them at all... they love when I do it.

I tried it once, it was a little hard to get comfortable at first, but once I was asleep I didn't notice.