Saturday, January 22, 2011


Today I decided to run.  I was feeling a little bit better this morning, and I know that my pattern is that if I stop an exercise routine for to long, I just stop all together.  So, I forced myself out of bed at 7:45 this morning and went for my run.  I had Josh take my picture because it was so foggy.  This is the second morning it was this thick... the reason the girls had "foggy day schedule" yesterday.


Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to ask/tell you that when you run you should switch up the route you take. If someone is out to hurt you they'll learn your path and then be waiting. I'm not trying to scare you, just making sure you are safe! Good girl for not letting too many days go by w/out running.

Kendra said...

I do change it up. Most early mornings I run the same path... it's dark and I stay near to houses. On mornings when it's lighter outside I change it up... I feel a little more safe.