Monday, January 17, 2011


Charlie has been asking for a Tutu for a week.  She read a book in preschool with grandma about a little girl in a tutu with ballet shoes and she wore a ring.  She has been asking for these three things.  Well, she got sick over the weekend, and grandma felt bad, so she went and bought her a "tutu"... it's a swimming suit.  She is a very happy girl, but is still asking for the shoes and ring.
She also let me know that for her birthday she would like a wallet and a purse, because she doesn't have one.


Anonymous said...

you know... hold off on the purse. we've got a ton! maybe when you come up in april you can take some back home with ya!!

Kendra said...

I think she wants one, because Hayden bought one with her birthday money, and then I bought one for Morgan for Christmas. I didn't know she cared, but I think she feels left out. Mostly because, when we go out, Hayden and Morgan now bring their purses with us, and she doesn't have one. Mean mom.

Anonymous said...

your girls are so girly! my girls have tons of purses and they rarely use them. or i guess they go through phases... i think they forget they have them. once they all have their own rooms and places for everything maybe they'll remember to use them more.