Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I have always said that I am a "fly by the seat of my pants, kind of gal" (Pretty Woman, for those who don't know).  Well, as it turns out, I might not be so much. 
School started yesterday and I am so happy! Really, really, happy!  We are back to routine were I get to run in the morning, have breakfast, make the kids lunch, take them to school, and getting stuff done. I got so much done.  I'm looking forward to working in their class rooms, and going on field trips, because, after all, I love my kids. But it's nice to have them back in school.
As part of this new time on my hands, I can put more time into blogging, and scrapbooking, and baking, maybe some sewing.  Things I have not done ALL summer long.  Well, baking, I'm always doing that. 
I also see that after my kids have been apart all day at school, they play together more in the afternoon.  I'm not saying there hasn't been fighting... but this is what they are doing right now. 

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