Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Baking

I started some Holiday baking today. When I started I had a hard time finding all of my recipe cards. Most of the recipes that I like I've gotten from other people, and I NEVER get out a cook book. But it occurred to me today that I should take some time as I cook or bake put these recipes together into a book of my own including pictures. Creative Memories Storybook has a recipe book template to even help me. I'm so excited to get all my recipes down into a book... even some of my mom's and grandma's that I love. And then I will use a book to cook, my book.

These are a couple of the cookies that I made today. I had to do some baking for Josh and I this weekend... so these aren't for US to eat... but I sure do love this time of year - just for the BAKING!

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