Thursday, February 10, 2011

Field Trip

 Today is Morgan's class field trip to the post office and the fire station!  I went with Hayden's class last year, and it was raining... but this year it was cool but VERY sunny!  Much more FUN.
First, the kids all get to mail a letter they've written, that is addressed to their parents....
Second, we walk a few blocks to the fire station... which takes longer than you'd think with 45 kindergartners.  :)
Then after all the showing around and explaining of the equipment, the kids ALL get to squirt the house.

 Then these last two pictures are just because I had so much fun with her, and because she's so cute.  *Notice the adult teeth finally coming in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the picture with her and the hose. kindergarten and her adult front teeth are already coming in. jessica's are just barely getting wiggly.