Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Baby Blanket

I've been sewing off and on for a few months... I had to stop over the summer while my husband's cousins were in town with us. But before they got here I sewed some curtains for my kitchen and laundry room window, and for my daughter's playhouse. Then I decided to make a blanket for my nephew(soon to make an appearance any day now)... it was easy and fun.

Well, today I stopped at Joann's to get some fabric to finish up a blanket for my cousin's new little man, and I saw that the fabric I used was on sale... and the girls stuff is TOO cute. So, I stocked up, and I'm planning on making up some baby blankets to have on hand. :) This is my first... a little dark, but I thought it was a cute idea. I can't wait to make more. I really like to sew, I just wish I had more time for it.


Kymm said...

I can't wait to have a girl so I can have one of these beautiful blankets!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kendra!!! I'll pay you for a girl blanket for baby Dyllan. :) Let me know how much and if you'll have time. I'd LOVE to give her one of your blankets for her baby shower!

Anonymous said...

So before you asked about the costumes I had gone to storage today looking for my leftover ribbons for the tag blankets... NO luck! I probably spent an hour digging and moving boxes around and opening up anything that said hall or closet on it. I still want to make them for the sale, but I'll have to find cheap ribbons again. (: When is it?